Friday, April 28, 2017

Memento Assignment

Final Photos
Approx: 4 x 7 x 5in.

This was a memento project, otherwise a memory project. The memory I used for this piece was of when my family and I go to the lake every summer. We would stay in a lake house which my grandfather's dad built on his own. When ever we are there I would always collect rocks when we go hiking, even when I did not go with everyone else my family would still bring me rocks they found and thought were interesting. I was always picking up and carrying the strangest things around even if it seemed pointless. The tube represents two things: biking, and tubing. We would go biking on old trails and go up cliffs where we would view over the entire lake. For tubing we would take my grandfathers boat and while it did not go as fast as we wished it was still fun to get on the tube and ride around the lake. 

In-Process Photos

Materials Used
  • Rocks
  • Inner Bike Tubing
  • Hot Glue

Tape Shoes Assignment

Final Photos
Approx: 8 x 3 x 4in.

In-Process Photos

Materials Used
  • Masking Tape

Balsa Wood Assignment

Final Photos

First Balsa Sculpture
Approx: 3 x 5 x 2in.

For the first balsa sculpture, my idea was to focus on pattern. The pattern of the top and bottom, or the sides, which complement each other. The top consisted of a checkers-like pattern while the bottom was rows which were opposite. The two sides are a row which consist of a crooked style that are parallel to each other. Those side pieces were all made of basal wood which was carved and sanded to create their effects. In the middle is two pieces of rolled up heavy stock white paper that are holding up a piece of masking tape rolled into itself. Attached to the paper and tape is hot glue which is creating strings that connect them to the basal wood. 

Second Balsa Sculpture
Approx: 6 x 6 x 3in.

For my second basal sculpture I used the design principle of space. The basal wood forms a structure that crosses each other. In the middle there are pieces of wood that are creating a cross which leaves 4 sections. Two sections hold balsa wood that is stacked on top of each other but they are not balancing. They are held in place with hot glue to give the illusion of being balanced but in reality they would not hold each other up much like life sometimes is. The other two sections have heavy stock paper cover and slightly extending a piece of wood. The paper throws a shadow under it where it covers the wood. Over the paper, attaches to adjacent pieces of basal wood are strings of hot glue which are show fragility.

Third Balsa Sculpture
Approx: 2 x 7 x 4in.

For my third basal sculpture the design principle it was based on was focal point. The focal point of this sculpture was the twisting masking tape which is in the middle. Surrounding the masking tape is 8 pieces basal wood that have caved into individual blocks. They circle the masking tape and are held down with hot glue. They sit upon a circular piece of heavy stock paper which covers the top of a circular piece of basal wood. The heavy stock paper has 8 rectangles cut out of it and folded up so that it copies the basal wood. The pieces of paper are placed so that each individual is filling the space between the basal wood. 

In-Process Photos

Materials Used

  • Masking Tape
  • Balsa wood
  • Hot Glue/gun
  • Heavy Stock White Paper

Soap Assignment

Final Photos
Approx: 3 x 5 x 1in.

In-Process Photos

Materials Used

  • Soap

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Masked Identity

Final Photos
Approx: 12 1/2 x 27 x 7in.

In-Process Photos

For this project, it involved creating a mask with relevance to the renaissance period out of wire and then covering it in tracing paper that had been dipped in gel medium mixed with water. I created my mask based on the stories told throughout history. Stories started with myths that were passed down from word of mouth to written down on paper.  In many myths there are animals which are metaphors for many different types of features. In this project I used an old book to represent the stories. The mask is a double head of two animals, a wolf and a bear which have been around for thousands of years and each represent different meanings for different religions and cultures. 

Materials Used
  • Tracing Paper
  • Wire
  • Gel Medium

3D to 2D